SEO 60 Seconds
SEO in 60 Seconds – Yesterday I spent some time at the Canterbury BOB meeting listening and discussing search engine optimisation (SEO) which is almost a science in its own right, but thanks to my friend Steve at Ice Sugar Media I have a small but broad understanding of part of that discussion which covered keywords .
What’s to consider with SEO in 60 seconds?
During that meeting I considered that were I a website standing here, not only should I try to look the part… But my 60 seconds should be rich in keywords that you as BOB members can identify with.
So my keywords for you today are;
Precious photos
Critical contracts
Sensitive spreadsheets
Damaged data
Tedious timer watching
Meddlesome message boxes
Microsoft madness
Frustrating fragmentation
Hard drive management
Honed housekeeping
Network nightmares
Email errors
Smart phone sync issues
Affordable assistance